Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Biggest Scam in History

Applies to any country in the world.....
Watch and Share

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

No Allah in Malaysia

Recently, Malaysia's Court of Appeal's three-man panel ruled that the word Allah "was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice; as such usage of the word Allah is NOT allowed!! ---
     This ruling seem to have made the country the laughing stock of the Muslim and Christian world...... here's a jist of what is happening in Malaysia and what the World thinks.
The Malaysian government has also now put a top to the distribution of a Christian publication.  Questions everyone should answer
1).... does it not sound like religious persecution??? 
2) Does the ruling apply to all Christians who comes to Malaysia - tourist or otherwise. eg., all Indonesian; Arabic Bible has the word Allah ... does it mean they cannot use it in Malaysia .... cant read the word; means cant say the word???
3) Where is the freedom of religion as protected by the Malaysian Constitution....dead?


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Religion and Race

Good govenance?!?
1. How to hold on to Power? - Use Race and Religion to run every issue of governance.... pit one race/religion against another.
2. then impoverish the average citizen?? keep them dependent on the government?
... seems like that's what happening in Malaysia!?

Race and Religion Politics for Malaysians
Malaysian getting poorer by the day

Friday, May 24, 2013

First 30 days of BN rule?

Highlights of the first 30 day of BN Rule after Malaysian 2013 elections
..... government crackdown, arrest under Sedation Act (an act that originate in the Middle Ages!), hate propaganda against Chinese population and opposition leaders, racial boycott targeting Chinese Malaysians, state BN leaders getting 300% pay hike 
............ 1 MALAYSIA BOLEH!   What more does Malaysian want????!

Related News links:

    The Home Minister has reportedly confiscated copies of two major opposition publications Harakah and Suara Keadilan, in various states.
    According to Harakah’s online news site, HarakahDaily, copies of the PAS’ party organ were said to have been seized in Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Kedah and Perak.  .... more here

More News link
  ............ more at myMalaysiaNews links

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pakatan wins more popular votes from Malaysians

Gross distortions in Malaysia's voting system
Ramesh Rajaratnam - 8:23AM May 9, 2013 (Malaysiakini)

COMMENT The recently completed May 5 general election (GE13) revealed some interesting facts and figures based on the results as published by the Election Commission.
.................. On the national average, it cost BN 39,381 votes per MP as opposed to Pakatan's 63,191 votes. Quite frankly, Pakatan had to work 60 percent harder than the BN had to......

Some interesting facts
Based on the Election Commission website, let me highlight these other interesting facts from the FPTP vis-à-vis GE13:

1) BN received 46.2 percent of the popular votes in Peninsular Malaysia and 54 percent in East Malaysia, or a national average of 47.4 percent.

2) Based on this, BN was able to garner almost 51 percent of the parliamentary seats in the peninsula and 87.3 percent of those in Sabah and Sarawak, for a national average of 60 percent, or 133 seats.

3) Interestingly, 8.2 percent of the voters (in Sabah and Sarawak) gave BN 22 percent of the parliamentary seats, meaning 39.2 percent of the voters (in the peninsula) gave it the remaining 38 percent in Parliament.

4) Pakatan received 54 percent of the popular votes in Peninsular Malaysia and 35 percent in East Malaysia, for a national average of 51 percent.

5) Based on the above, Pakatan was only able to garner 49 percent of the parliamentary seats in the peninsula and 12.7 percent of that in Sabah and Sarawak, for a national average of 40 percent, or 89 seats.

6) It cost Pakatan 21 percent and 441 percent more votes per MP in the peninsula and East Malaysia respectively, to be on par with BN. On average nationally, Pakatan had to work 60 percent harder per MP than the BN.

............ for more and details READ Malaysiakini article HERE

more news links to news at myMalaysiaNews

Monday, May 6, 2013

Election Results 2013

Sad day for many Malaysian - although Pakatan (opposition) won more total percentage votes from Malaysians, the party BN which won less total votes will run the country! .... all due to grossly uneven distribution of registered voters for each seat (parliamentary seats). A shameful act of the government!

Results from The Malaysian Insider
(source: the Malaysian Insider)


Sunday, May 5, 2013

2013 May 5 - Malaysians vote!

Its's Election day - a day for all Malaysians to determine the future they want! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

ROS loss of Credibility - just before GE13

Malaysia's ROS can no longer be respected by all Malaysians

Friday, April 19, 2013



DAP will use the PAS symbol in Peninsular Malaysia and the PKR symbol in Sabah & Sarawak for the 13th general elections unless the Registrar of Societies (ROS)’s cowardly and dastardly attempt to assassinate the Rocket is withdrawn!

Keep updated and READ MORE AT  DAP website

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ubah Malaysia

Watch Live
(You can rewind to watch previous session too - check bar below picture frame)

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Future of Malaysia lies in the hands of Malaysians

All Malaysian, irrespective of which party you belong to, the future is in your hands.
For the future of your children and the economic survival of Malaysia, Malaysians must choose those that are clean of corruption and who will not enrich only the few.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” - Barack Obama

Why we need to change: ...............Malaysia is ranked 2nd out of 150 countries in Global Financial Integrity's (GFI) 2013 report on illicit financial outflows worldwide.[4] According to GFI, in 2010 alone, Malaysia lost RM196.84 billion in funds to tax havens and Western banks, 2nd only to China...... In 2012, Malaysia also scored the lowest in the Bribe Payers Survey, conducted by Transparency International which asked: "During the last 12 months, do you think that your company has failed to win a contract or gain new business because a competitor has paid a bribe?" Malaysia scored the highest out of 30 countries, with 50%, beating even Indonesia, a country with the biggest reputation for corruption. ...more HERE

"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth"...
Mahatma Gandhi

“A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.”
― Barack Obama

SHARE the truth

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Malaysia Online TV and Radio

Malaysia Online TV and Radio to tune in............ to learn the truths about what's happening in Malaysia....

Also see the hidden truth of what Malaysia's government/UM-NO-controlled want to hide......

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sarawak and Singapore Saga

The power in Sarawak and Singapore, Asia's Switzerland

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Sabah Saga - Sabah Foreign Invasion

Sabah Dual Foreign Invasion
  Sabah, a state in Malaysia seems to be hitting the headlines for the past few months. From unscrupulous Malaysian and abuse of power in 'Project IC' (granting citizenship to foreigners based on religion and employing corrupt act) the recent attack by foreigners on the soils of Sabah............ 

 ........Foreigners granted citizenship based on race & what-not; Foreigners, given right to vote, Malaysians Betraying Malaysia. Corruption of government officers and abuses of power?!!

Learn more about Sabah and Malaysia HERE

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Psy Sensation

Psy has been hogging the online News in Malaysia ..... .....
Summary & Conclusion of bringing Psy :
- Psy leaving Malaysia a few million RM richer
- People say NO to BN in Penang
- BN digging their heads with unimaginable reasons: Why pay so much money paid to Psy to come, why Psy dont want to 'lo sang' with PM, etc..........

Headlines on news websites on Psy, BN and Penang 
Picking up the pieces the morning after Psy 2013-02-15

Other News:
.... more at myMalaysiaNews links

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Illegally legalising illegal immigrants

........Betray our Nation Building (Malaysia), pitting Muslim Malaysians against Non-Muslim Malaysians, condemning our Bapa Malaysia... ?
....That is why they say power corrupts...  what more absolute power of a head of state.

Friday, January 18, 2013