Monday, May 16, 2011

Where is Malaysia heading to?

Najib's 1Malaysia concept - what does the '1' mean?. Policies where '1 does not equate to any equality for all Malayians' is perplexing in this day and age. The country is still entangled in racial and religious issues, and policies of 'ketuanan' -superiority of one community over an another.
   On the economic front, some policies of the country are causing 'brain drain', our labour market is trading the skilled for the unskilled foreigners (who may even get PR status or citizenship).

Recent Economic News:
UNDP Resident Representative for Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, Kamal Malhotra said said recently that Malaysia is trapped in middle-income rut................
     Malaysia is no longer that competitive in labour-intensive economies because it's labour cost is no longer low unlike previously but FDIs will go to a country even if the labour cost is high as long productivity matches the cost of that labour.  That is what stuck in the middle income means basically. You're stuck because you can't compete in the low end nor compete in the high end, Malhotra said.
....................."If you look at data provided by the government and you look at the net flow on the labour side in the last 10-15 years, what you have is the inflow of unskilled or semi-skilled workers, mainly from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines but you actually have a net outflow of skills, either students abroad who don't come back or reduced number of expatriates coming in.
"The flow is in the wrong direction," he pointed out. more at Bernama HERE

Malaysia News and Views:
Political News links:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Malaysians

Take your pick...Who is the good, the bad or the ugly........................

There is no end to some 'ugly' Malaysians trying to split Malaysians along racial or religious lines - especially when rumour or news of a pending election is in the air.

Certain news media, communal groups and politicians (s.a. Pekasa, Pembela, certain politicians e.g IA) are spurting daily doses of nonsense and 'hatred' against those of another race or religion.

The sad thing is that, at times 'these uglies' seem to be the people that are 'protected' by the authorities and government of the day. It would seem some of our elected representatives ('employed' by the Malaysians) take Malaysians for fools.... still living in the '60s and at times acting like 'feudal lords'.

While those in power make so much noise over religious and racial matters, they are failing to fight or act on corruption by their very peers and take slow action on those who fuel racial/religious polarization.

Malaysian should stop supporting the corrupt and the racist irrespective of which political party they are.

Keep in touch with local news online (not printed media owned by political parties) to get a clear picture of what's going on:
More News at:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How much does UMNO love Malaysia?

Many Malaysians are asking,.... How much does UMNO truly love Malaysia?
Not much, it would seem. UMNO seems to love UMNO alone, judging by what UMNO owned UTUSAN is churning out day in day out. Sad to say our UMNO leaders and in particular ministers are 'protective' of whatever comes out of Utusan

As owners of Utusan, UMNO's negligence act  (law of tort - negligence), is in publication of inflamatory information that goes to hurt Malaysians. Owners of Utusan are in every way responsible for anything that is published by the paper. What Malaysians are seeing is these inaction / excuses by the UMNO leaders and government to protect their personal interest.

Every Malaysian who truly loves Malaysia should condem in one voice the cruel act hitting out at religion /race that is not one's own .... which is evident by the actions of Utusan (Umno-owned).

UMNO should APOLOGISE TO ALL MALAYSIANS for conspiring through Utusan to cause RELIGIOUS polorization and trying to hurt Malaysian of other religion esp. Christians.
Read more at:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Utusan churning seditious, racist and anti-'nonMuslims' statements

Many Malaysians believe that Utusan has been churning seditious, racist and anti-nonMuslims articles almost on a daily basis. Sad to say our own PM and some ministers seems to protect (or keep silent), praise or support seditious 'filthy' statements (or videos even) dished out by not only Utusan - but also UMNO members or other self-appointed leaders of certain communities.
Does UMNO take Malaysians for fools?   Here's why when we see anything dished out by Utusan we can only equate to UMNO:
  • Utusan Malaysia is UMNO’s mouth piece as confirmed by the Utusan Group shareholders (ownership) listing in their annual report. Hence, UMNO is Utusan and Utusan is UMNO.
  • Why are UMNO president+members,and ministers from UMNO so protective of Utusan, and continously hit out at Malaysians who critisize Utusan (examle here)? Seems to many, the government 1Malaysia is a formula for 1Malaysia = 1UMNO+1Utusan (Ques: Where is 1Malaysia concept for all race and religion in Malaysia?)
Malaysians of all faith must condemn those affiliated with Utusan and throw out elected representatives that goes all out to play one race against another or one religion against another, or protective of the wrongdoer.
Judge what is true before you believe. "The Truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it."

For Malaysians: "We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart."-- Blaise Pascal

Read what many Malaysians think:

To Utusan, know this: "The ability to lie is a liability.--Unknown"

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who's stopping the escalating hike in property prices?

Malaysians are perplex as to why the escalating hike of property prices in the past few years is
allowed to continue. Many Malaysians who really need a roof over their heads have to pay beyond their means ...just to a little roof over their head!
Questions we should ask ourselves and the responsible authorities / government agencies overseeing housing and property development...
  • Why are those who already own two or more residential premises allowed to continue to speculate on residential premises and allowed take easy loans from the banks? Is it the role of the bak, bank negara or the government to curb this?
  • Why are developers allowed to continuously build 'luxury' property / high end condos? - for then to sell to foreigners, and Why are foreign ownership of property allowed to continue ito escalate?
  • Any action by the authorities to monitor and promptly help to stop rising property prices? - since it has been highlighted by so many in the last few year? (eg. read 'Penang houses are just ‘not affordable’ 03-12-2010)
  • Who is monitoring the lack of low and medium cost housing that should be in the market to cater to the majority of Malaysia? Any takers?
  • Does the authorities know that a large number of new residential properties are not owner occupied or empty ... just because many speculators buy

Perhaps some of the answers can be found below:

By Lee Wei Lian - May 04, 2011 (The Malaysian Insider)

The association recommended that the government implement stronger measures to deter speculation. —

KUALA LUMPUR, May 4 — The National House Buyers Association (HBA) has criticised the apparent collusion between some developers, valuers and banks for pushing up property prices to levels which it called “exorbitant” and said that stronger measures are needed to deter speculation.
      HBA said in a statement that in addition to low interest rates and easy credit which had fuelled speculative activity, greed had taken over the market.
     “A ‘unholy alliance’ exists between certain developers, valuers and banks,” said HBA.
"In an environment of hot demand, the banks work in cahoots with developers assisted by those wayward valuers. Our ‘teh tarik syndrome’ is also very relevant. When the price of condensed milk increases by 20 sen, the entire cost ‘teh tarik’ increases by 20 sen. Similarly, when the cost of construction increases by 20 per cent, the equivalent cost of housing increases.”
..........details HERE

Penang houses are just ‘not affordable’ 03-12-2010, The Star

THE average price of a house on Penang Island in 2009 was RM550,000 — the highest in the country and RM160,000 more than the average price of a house in Kuala Lumpur.
     State government think tank, Socio-Economic and Environmental Research Institute (Seri), said the price was eight times the average household in-come. Its senior fellow Dr Lim Mah Hui said the house price should be between three and four times the average household income.
     Dr Lim added that most houses that were built did not cater to the need of the majority of people.
................“Even the middle class cannot afford to own a house or apartment, let alone the lower income group,” he said.
.........................He said the majority of Malay-sians want affordable homes but developers are supplying houses that they cannot afford.
..............“Developers prefer to cater to investors and speculators who buy to rent or to flip over and make money. They also go overseas to aggressively market properties as they are still cheap by international standards.
...........details here

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why hit out at the Chinese?

Every MP, wakil rakyat or elected representative is an employee of the rakyat (citizen ) - irrespective of race. Salary paid by the people, the employer.

When your employer does not want to employ you.... What do you do? Warn and threaten your employer? ..... More than that, it may become a racist issue if you only warn and threaten a employer of a certain race.

It would seem that the current practice of some employee in Malaysia is ...... Always blame the Chinese 'employer' when he/she does not want to employ you?!

Thoughts to Remember:

No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. ~Abraham Lincoln

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