What's happening to Malaysia........a nation was almost bankrupted by reckless extravagance and squandering of the nation's wealth by those in power.....
- Take not the road to Zimbabwe 24-Dec-2009
- Malaysia IS Zimbabwe, says Zaid 23-Dec
- M'sia is Zimbabwe by another name
- Ensure we don't turn into Zimbabwe
- I no understand 19-Dec-2009
- Another Finance Minister Who Can't Count 18-Dec-2009
- In hard times, extravagant signs in Ipoh 18-Dec-2009
- Why action against money changers only-
- What the case is really all about 18-Dec-2009
- The billions that MAS lost- the shit is finally hitting the fan 17-Dec-2009
- Rising prices, stagnant incomes put squeeze on middle class 17-Dec-2009
- How more than half a billion of our tax money was spent
- Moneychangers or launderers? 4-Dec
- Negri MB’s RM10m tip of hot money iceberg 4-Dec-2009
- KL money changers aiding capital flight
....more news at myMalaysia News