Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Malaysians cry for free and fair elections!

Many Malaysians believe there is a real need for a better 'No governmental' influence in the election process. Yet the powerful arms of the 'executive' is in control of all things related to the elections. Some  59,000 foreigners have been registered as voters in Malaysia, raising suspicion over their status as voters and the system of registration.
Something is very wrong if a federal government continues to resist any clean up of the corrupted electoral roll!
Malaysians all over to join together to Bersih 3.0

Go to Bersih’s International Solidarity Facebook page and find out about Bersih solidarity events near you.
  DETAILS on Bersih at

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Election Fever - Things some parties do

Clamoring for votes.... changing address of a few to gain mileage?
Video on YouTube.  Caught on video - officials luring student voters

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The strange case of Malaysia's Submarines

Its for you to connect the dots on murder and submarines .........